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The course of our country has been decided by our most listless population-sheep who are causing our country to fall off a cliff. They have been duping the same group and their ancestors in the past. Their progeny undoubtedly will have little education and income in the future and would love the opportunity to have their baser instincts appealed to by fear, hate and war mongering-the perennial GOP platform! The GOP agreeing to Tea Party's demand of eliminating earmarks was just theatre. Earmarks constitute .003 % of budget and if it isn't earmarked an individual Senator or Congressman can still get money funneled to his area anyway! It is just propaganda--just like everything involved with the GOP and Tea Party. Why did the entertainer Limbaugh try to get into ESPN? ESPN isn't a Mensa group. It is a bunch of sports nerds. Why did they fire Limbaugh almost immediately? How can Limbaugh be held in such high esteem by so many right-wing fanatics when ESPN dumped him so unceremoniously? Every time I listen to Keith Olbermann I always think that this guy does sport broadcasting also. Why don't many right-wing fanatics have the same reservations about a sport broadcaster also? Olbermann never has been dumped almost immediately as has Limbaugh. The answer is that Limbaugh appeals to red staters baser instincts. They don't care about his failed background. He helps them hate others. Bush 43 always had a propaganda team as illustrated in the 11-10-3 article "50 False News Stories By Bush Propaganda Machine -- A Strategy of Lies: How the White House Fed the Public a Steady Diet of Falsehoods" which stated "Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.) has identified 50 false news stories created and leaked by a secretive White House propaganda apparatus.... The 56-page investigation was assembled by USAF Colonel (Ret.) Sam Gardiner. "Truth from These Podia: Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence, Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic Psychological Operations in Gulf II" identifies more than 50 stories about the Iraq war that were faked by government propaganda artists in a covert campaign to "market" the military invasion of Iraq. Gardiner has credentials. He has taught at the National War College, the Air War College and the Naval Warfare College and was a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defense College. According to Gardiner, "It was not bad intelligence" that lead to the quagmire in Iraq, "It was an orchestrated effort [that] began before the war" that was designed to mislead the public and the world. Gardiner's research lead him to conclude that the US and Britain had conspired at the highest levels to plant "stories of strategic influence" that were known to be false. The Times of London described the $200-million-plus US operation as a "meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public, the Congress, and the allies of the need to confront the threat from Saddam Hussein." So, when we see Bush 43 hawking for his book of lies remember we were lied to back then about decisions that caused people to lose their lives "in a covert campaign to "market" the military invasion of Iraq." When we see the GOP Congress trying to get tax cuts for the rich they are proposing increasing our debt which will result in bilking our children and grandchildren out income so that the fat cats can have extra objects of conspicuous consumption. This propaganda effort also helps foreign countries as U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, non-US citizens and institutions held 44% of federal debt held by the public. About 66% of that 44% was held by the central banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China. Our least interested don't realize when they are being played by misinformation experts for the benefit of those who don't need any more benefits than they already possess. The article "In memoir, Bush spins fiscal fiction" states "It was, or so I thought, a dandy column idea: an imaginary, missing chapter of George W. Bush's "Decision Points," in which the former president would admit to having made the wrong call on taxes. The imaginary but completely delusional: My inner Bush would not regret pushing for the tax cuts. But he would acknowledge - how hard could this be? - that Alan Greenspan was right when he suggested a trigger mechanism to cancel the cuts if the promised surplus failed to materialize. If only . . . Of course, that surplus was a mirage. Rather than presiding over erasure of the publicly held national debt, Bush watched it grow from $5.6 trillion to nearly $10 trillion." Bush 43 never apologizes even if the facts would require him to do so as the article states "He took office after three years in which Clinton had overseen surpluses. After 2001, Bush presided over seven straight years of deficits. In short, Bush inherited a budget in healthy shape. He left it in tatters. The faltering economy played a supporting role, but the chief factors were of Bush's making: his tax cuts, his wars, his prescription drug bill. Without these, the country would have been running surpluses during his tenure. The wars will wind down, but the price of the tax cuts and prescription drug bill will climb even higher over the next decade. " Remember how the GOP's response to health care reform could be summarized as let them drop dead. That disdainful attitude for the bottom 99% has been a reusable tactic for GOP governance for decades. Reagan ran on limiting the government and since then every GOP has tried to imitate their role model. The article "GOP to jobless: Drop dead" regarding this states "But you'd never know it listening to the newly empowered and emboldened Republicans who have returned to Washington determined not just to reduce government's role in the economy, but to thoroughly emasculate it. " McConnell admitted that his primary objective wasn't governance, but winning the upcoming election and he's not alone with this goal in the GOP as the article states "Only two weeks after the midterm election, it seems clear that the 2012 campaign has begun. For too many Republicans, the aim is to politicize policy, trash the institutions of government and intimidate anyone who might disagree with their radical ideology. There's no better proof of that than the so-called debate over extending the Bush tax cuts on incomes above $250,000. Unable to defend more tax cuts for the rich, Republicans like to pretend that their real concern is for job creation, citing the fact that about half of all business profits now flow through partnerships and small corporations that are taxed at personal rates. But look more closely at the argument and it turns out to be "largely bogus," according to Eric Toder, a former Treasury and IRS official who now works at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. Very few of those businesses earn more than $250,000 in profit, and those that do tend to be very successful hedge funds and law firms that are flush with cash and unlikely to be dissuaded from hiring extra employees or make new investments because of a 4 percentage-point change in the marginal tax. Because most hiring and investment can be done with pre-tax dollars, Toder said, the tax rate is largely irrelevant to those decisions. That's the micro view. The macro view, from the forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers of St. Louis, is that not extending tax cuts for high-income households would reduce gross domestic product growth by - drumroll here - two-tenths of one percent in each of the next two years. And the difference in the unemployment rate? A whopping one tenth of one percent! These inconvenient truths, however, are simply ignored by Republicans, who would have us all believe that extending upper-income tax cuts is the most crucial economic issue we face - not just this year but for all time." The GOP only want to give their masters new tax cuts as the article states "In fact, if Republicans were truly interested in reducing the deficit while stimulating private-sector job creation, they would have jumped to embrace the idea floated last week by Sen. Mark Warner, the centrist Democrat from Virginia: let high-end tax rates return to where they were during the Clinton years and use the $65 billion in additional income over the next two years for tax breaks for businesses that increase investments or hire new employees. After that, the extra revenue would go toward deficit reduction. And how many of Warner's Republican colleagues have called to express interest in his idea? So far, not a one." As health care reform was mentioned some new accounts of GOP being in bed with their masters-which always results in shafting of the bottom99% are noted in the article "New Report Reveals Health Insurance Industry Pumped $86 Million Into The U.S. Chamber To Kill Reform". The article states "This morning, Bloomberg reporter Drew Armstrong broke an incredible story revealing that health insurance companies, like UnitedHealth and CIGNA, funneled $86.2 million into the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2009 to pay for the Chamber's multifaceted campaign to kill President Obama's health reform legislation. In January of this year, the National Journal's Peter Stone reported that insurers had pumped $20 million into the Chamber for its anti-health reform campaign. Armstrong's report exposes the true extent to which insurers worked to fool the public and defeat health reform. However, the report also poses new questions about the role of insurance companies in the health reform debate. Why did insurance companies try to hide their donations to the Chamber's anti-health reform campaign? Given their own unpopularity and Obama's pledge to be the first leader to successfully reform America's broken health system, the health insurance industry hatched a plan to fundamentally deceive the public, the press, and politicians. Instead of fighting reform tooth and nail, the insurance industry worked to manipulate the process and ultimately kill reforms by adopting what ThinkProgress termed "The Duplicitous Campaign." In public, health insurance lobbyists and executives promised to support reform and work closely with reform advocates. The top health insurance lobbyist, Karen Ignagni, went to the White House early in the reform debate and promised Obama, "You have our commitment to play, to contribute and to help pass health-care reform this year." I thought these GOP operatives always wanted to leave things as they were which is the definition of conservatism. They follow that as long as it benefits them. The article "Lawmakers seek to change Federal Reserve's mission" states "Two influential Republican lawmakers called Tuesday for a fundamental remaking of the Federal Reserve's mission, arguing that the central bank should stop trying to reduce unemployment and instead focus solely on keeping inflation low. The proposal by Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.) would end the three-decade-old "dual mandate" of the Fed, its legal charge from Congress to simultaneously aim for maximum employment and price stability." They feed us misinformation that our Orwellian prole red staters believe as it stokes their hatred of the others. The policies that the GOP always advocate only help the fat cats which means the red staters are voting against their own interests. Bright! |
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