About 'united health care stock'|Best-Performing Health care Stocks for the Week (Mar 12, 2011)
If Republicans were confronted with the facts and they answered honestly, I feel certain it would become clear to objective thinkers that the interest of the general public are not what occupies their time. This isn't intended to demonize them; it's just to point out an obvious reality in contemporary U.S. politics. Both Party's names give a bit of a clue on how their leaders might be inclined to pursue goals related to critical social issues. Democrats, a derivative name of government set up by the Greeks ages ago whereby each individual within the society had an actual say in the issues, tend to focus on a collective need of the people. Republicans, also originating within Greek culture as a representative form of government where people would elect someone to stand in for them on the issues (much like we have today in America) tend to focus on a more powerful, yet smaller constituency. Clearly I take license with this bit of word play, but you get my drift. Democrats are not innocent of pursuing their own self-interest over real constituent needs or aligning themselves with corporate interests. And though it may not seem clear to some that voting with the interests of a select few from time to time can ultimately benefit the larger population, it IS clear that a recurrent and often unabashed pattern of doing this has developed within the ranks of the Republican party. Many during the Bush/Cheney years followed the lead of Grover Norquist that sought to shrink the roll of government to a point where the private sector could take over, replacing government agencies answerable to the people with corporate boards rooms answerable only to their stock holders. The Democratic Party of today evolved from the principles found within Jeffersonian and Jacksonian politics. Both of these political views sympathized with and expanded the role in politics of working class people as our country developed in its early years. Within the contemporary Republican Party we see vintages of the Hamiltonian Federalists who often aligned themselves with financial institutions and the aristocracy. In fact, it is not uncommon for many within the ultra-conservative factions of the Republican Party today to refer back to the Federalist Papers, of which more than half are attributed to Alexander Hamilton, to define the role of government and interpretations of the Constitution. The concepts of personal liberty within each framework, Democrat and Republican, are postulated in accordance with these earlier perspectives. It comes as no surprise then that corporations were first defined as "natural persons" by a Republican appointee to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Morrison Waite in the case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company (1).Corporate "personhood" has since been enhanced by Republican-appointed justices in the recent Citizens United v. FECcase. Holding the views that they do, Republicans are more willing to trust what fellow Federalist James Madison referred to as a "select .. portion of enlightened citizens", but often are guilty of attributing a wisdom and virtue to this select group that omits the human weaknesses of "lesser men". Over the decades and nearly two centuries since these ideas were first communicated, a conservatism has evolved that throws its weight behind the well healed establishment of commerce and their financial supporters. This association has become so natural in its course that Republicans often seem oblivious to it. A clear example of this is the Republican and Senate minority leaders who have continuously and openly stated the misconception that "the American people have spoken. They oppose government-run health care."(2) In light of the fact that polls show quite the contrary (3) and that Republicans have less support than do President Obama and the Democrats on nearly all critical domestic and foreign issues, including how to deal with terrorism, one can only assume that Rep. John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell are referencing the sentiments of another constituency of theirs; in this specific regard, the health insurance industry. If we take a close look at their arguments that oppose universal health care for Americans we see the underlying values of corporate interests, disguised as virtuous capitalism. Of their 4 "common sense solutions" stated on their web-site (2) all are mere iterations of simplistic options that offer no real guidelines or concrete actions to reduce the growing number of people who are without health care coverage. For example, solution #3 suggests, though extremely vague, that states be given "the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs." Where this would allow the governors and legislatures genuinely concerned with needed health care reform in their states, it would do nothing in states like Texas where the governor has assured voters that he will oppose any federal funding that would pull his state out of the bottom ranking where people are not covered with health insurance. According to the grassroots coalition Health Care For All Texas, one in four Texans are uninsured. "Only 35% of small businesses in Texas offer health insurance, and only 43% of their full time employees are enrolled. Fewer than half of all Texans get their health insurance through an employer."(4) Whereas Democrats favor legislation that ends discriminatory practices within the insurance industry that refuses coverage based on pre-existing conditions and terminating policies bought in good faith because physician-ordered treatments or procedures are deemed "unnecessary" by insurance industry bureaucrats, Republicans are strangely silent. Nor do we see any efforts on the part of conservative Republicans to admonish health insurance companies when they raise premiums beyond inflation rates or seek higher medical loss (ML) ratios on their profit reports. ML ratios reflect the percentage of insurance premium revenues that pay for medical services. What we have seen are large campaign contributions from health insurers and drug makers to Republicans who oppose health care reform. Recent data showed that "the biggest beneficiaries in the Senate included John McCain (R-Ariz.), with $546,000; Minority Leader Mitch McConnelly (R-Ky.), with $425,000 and [i]n the House, the two groups gave $257,000 to Minority leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and $249,000 to Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.)." (5)Though these lobbying groups have a practice of contributing to any in political power, be it Democrat or Republican, only the Republicans have failed to advance health care reform when they were in control of influential House and Senate seats. The writing is on the wall, as they say, for any who want to read it. The feigned interest Republicans are now displaying about wanting to address the rising costs of health care are the result of Democratic efforts, headed by the President, to effect necessary change here. Republican efforts are not intended to correct a wrong they have over-looked throughout their history, but to do what ever they need to in their continued support of the corporate constituency they have come to represent in all things. SOURCES: (1) - http://ratical.com/corporations/SCvSPR1886.html (2) - http://www.gop.gov/solutions/healthcare (3) - http://www.pollingreport.com/health.htm (4) - http://www.healthcareforalltexas.org/ (5) - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/07/AR2009030701748.html |
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